Know Me
Personal Blog
Saturday, March 26, 2011
JYJ + HoMin = TVXQ like forever?
Maybe I sound like I’m a JYJ-lover and anti-HoMin~ In my 3 years in this fandom, all I know is how to love ALL five of them. I know this is quite unfortunate for us to see them to be in this 2:3 ratio. But it’s not hard to love them as we used to. I don’t see a reason why we really need to choose a side. The only one we need to blame is that f***ing SME for causing this situation and not the boys.
I still remember when one of my fandom friends told me that she blames the boys for causing the fans torn apart between HoMin and JYJ~ I didn’t say anything as I sealed my mouth to prevent any argument erupts between us. I know the fans are in much pain but the pain that ALL five of them carries with them now is nothing compared to us. That’s why I respect them.
You know, it’s like you are complaining that your legs ache after a long walk and then you meet someone with amputated legs. Your pain is nothing compared to them who lost the chance to walk. Ok, that’s a weird example but you get my point, right?
I know how it feels to be isolated. Probably that’s why I want as much as support HoMin can get because JYJ already get attention from all the corner of the globe with their English-language album, The Beginning album. But poor HoMin who were restrained in singing for almost 2 years. That’s longer than their hiatus for Mirotic. So I kinda understand when Changmin said that he don’t want to be a singer in his next life~
If you wanna know whether I had picked a side or not, well this is my answer.
“I can never have a thought about JYJ without involving HoMin and vice versa. Therefore if I’m forced to choose a side then I’m willing to leave the fandom without a regret"
HoMin are my beloved spies~
The purpose of this post is I want to touch and go on HoMin’s latest release “Before You Go” single~
Before You Go MV teaser was released a few days before the full version was out. The teaser is enough to tell us that this is more like a drama. You know, kinda have a story with a beginning and end~ But for me this was the problem. I couldn’t focus on both song and video while watching the MV because I was more attentive to the story. Well, when else I can see my two hot guys in black suits and holding guns if not in a MV or drama~ so decided to download the audio and listen to it without watching the MV.
And since I haven’t downloaded the audio yet, I can only review the video. LOL. Bad fan, I am~ xD
I love Changmin and no, this isn’t any declaration of me changing bias. Although I might jump into Changmin-camp if there’s any idea of changing bias.
In this MV, we can see the mature side of HoMin. I love especially the part where Changmin get suspicious of his fellow colleague and he looks outside of his office and that stare from him is priceless! ^0^ HoMin’s acting skills are impressive as they showed in the action scenes where every single kick is worth to watch.
A few days after the release of the MV, SME (yes, that money-sucking company) released the drama version of BYG~ and through this video, we can clarify something. Yunho and Ara is an item. LOL. I didn’t realize that in the MV. I find it’s awkward to see Yunho in a romantic scene with a girl. Blame me for not watching his HTTG drama yet. Maybe if I did, then I would have been used to it. Changmin should have a pair in the drama. I’m not really in the favor of belittling him even when they are now as duos. He’s 23 and he should taste romance in MV as well~ ok SME, you better seriously consider this for the next MV of them or I will stone you to death. Just kidding~
So it’s worth of watching the MV as we can see the new sides of the boys. If JYJ are more to the gentle approach, HoMin are more to the kick-the-butts type. Me love ^0^
Here’s the HQ version of BYG MV~
And here’s the HQ version of the BYG Drama version MV~
Download link for Before You Go (Mp3) (KYHD repackaged album)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Thank You~ Kamsahamnida~ Arigatou~
This time I’m going to express my deepest gratitude to my ever so lovely Dong Bang boys.
My leader-ssi

The founder of me

Jaejoong-ah, there’s nothing much I can talk about you. Yes, that’s because you are me. *laughs* why am I being cheesy now? I guess that’s what you did to me. You turned me from a crazy fangirl to a normal young lady. There’s no chance for you to know this but you are the one who made me love someone for their inner self. You are flawless and that’s obviously the main reason I chose you as my ultimate bias in DBSK. But as I get to know you, I knew I’m falling for you and am falling deeply as days passed. I have to constantly remind myself that I’m only one of the thousands of your fans so that I won’t tell my parents that I will only marry you. It’s kinda stepping on the ground really hard when I do have wishes of marrying you. Lalala~ You are dorky and caring yet the “speak before think” member in DBSK. Simply love the way you transited from your debut to your current state. You are no longer the cold and mysterious member of DBSK. And just like I said about Yunho, I realized that I’m fragile when I saw you shed tears during the “W” performance at the Thanksgiving in Tokyo Dome. I didn’t even watch the video but barely saw someone posted in a fansite that you cried at the show is enough to break me into pieces. I was keep murmuring “Jae didn’t cry. Fans might have mistaken his sweats for tears. Why he cried? He must have bottled so much inside him” to my own self. So this is supposed to be a gratitude note huh? *laughs* My hearty thanks for this guy who brought a whole new meaning to my late teen life. He made me appreciate my life and don’t take anything for granted. He’s the guy that I’m JAElous of. He have a nice voice, good and humble personality and almost perfect~ me <3>

The Ebil Youngest

So Mr.Shim Changmin is the youngest among the five of them but might be the member that all his older members fear of. He has the tongue of ebil and attitude that attracts anyone. Actually Changmin is the one who I had set my eyes on PROPERLY but due to some vicious threats, I have to resort to Jaejoong which I don’t regret. So from then until now, Changmin continues to be my secret affair behind Jaejoong’s back. I don’t care what the netizens or media had labeled him but I knew he’s a nice younger brother to all four of them. I love Changmin from what I knew about him from past not present. The current sick issues revolving this young guy might influence my thoughts but I chose not to let it happen. I saw the relationships and I want to believe that. Period. He’s a grown up now. 23 years old and yet I find him quite childish sometimes. Especially when he laughs and those mismatching eyes and quirky lips of him. Shim Changmin, me heart you and believe in you like I have for other four members. Thank you to be the strongest among them mentally and physically. You taught me to be wise with my words and actions and stay humble and try my best in whatever I do.
The smiling prince

Yoochun-ah, I miss you. *laughs* random much huh? You are the reason for the mess in my love ranking in DBSK. One moment you were at No.3 and now you are tied with Changmin at No.2. you even made me THINK of changing bias. What the heck? But somehow I managed to resort to my old self by sticking to ultimate bias. *wipes sweat* Recently you and Jaejoong had found new form of entertainment which is ganging up against poor Junsu. I can see that you are trying very hard to make Junsu happy. Such a great composer you are and courageous also for writing the “Untitled Song Part 1”. I love your million dollar smile, chubby cheek balls and your milky skin. In the past, I used to see you being emotional but now you have toughen up yourself. I seldom see you shed tears but I wish I can because somehow it makes me feel that it’s not your true self. So Park Yoochun, thanks for being tough among the three emotional guys in DBSK and simply for your passion in music composition.
DongBang Boys~

Thanks and thanks and thanks~ it can go on for forever. Your
A/N: excuse my bad English. I seldom blogs therefore both writing and English of mine suck.
Monday, March 7, 2011
JYJ Concert in Malaysia --- On or Off?
Hey blog! Long time no post xD
Yeap. I’m excited but not as much as I did for their showcase. Can you believe I went to the showcase and soon will attend their world tour for the same album, The Beginning? *laughs* crazy me but never hate that~
Unlike Singapore, Thailand and Jakarta, the event is not officially confirmed for Malaysian leg. It was a hard process from the beginning. Malaysia wasn’t on the list and that’s enough to disappoint me. For a second, I thought that it was a wise choice that I chose to attend their showcase coz if I didn’t then I might have miss the chance to see them at all. So why Malaysia wasn’t on the list? Coz no one is willing to organize the event. After RedStar Presents organized the showcase, there are rumors that SM Entertainment don’t let RedStar to organize SS3 (Super Show 3) and also that there were so many complaints from the fans after attending the showcase.
To be honest, I was disappointed when I got to know that Malaysia was left out in the list. I even shed tears (I know it’s a petty matter to cry for but it just upsets me so much) I can accept it if they didn’t stop by any nearby countries but heck, they are having concerts in North (Thailand), South (Singapore) and Southwest (Indonesia) countries of Malaysia. Everywhere but not in Malaysia.
Then BOOM! An organizer came up. Charites Dream. They were interested but with a condition. They need 10K of attendees for the concert by clicking “Attending” on a page in Facebook. Thus begin the journey of Malaysian Cassies to persuade and share the news so we can reach the 10K in time. currently the number is 9900 (when I was on FB last night) I even sent an email to JYJ using their respective email ids given on their website, telling them how much I want to see them in Malaysia.
Apparently C-Jes had seen the calling for a concert in Malaysia because the management had contacted RedStar Presents and have a little discussion. Following this, RS had tweeted and updated their FB with "What do you think?" and link to the fan page attached.
So now, the concert is kinda confirmed (kinda coz RS still haven't tell us that it's confirmed. i don't know what kind of discussion that still going on between C-Jes and RS *deep sigh*) And the date chosen for the event is 30th April 2010. It’s on 5th Saturday and a working day for me. But guess what; I’m more than happy to take an unpaid leave for the sake of JYJ.
I even bought a cute red top to wear for the concert. YAY! I’m excited enough to strive through another 54 days.
am waiting for this to happen soon ^^