This year, Hari Raya is a significant celebration for me. In my 5 years in SMK Seri Kampar where the majority of the students are Muslims, I never went to my friend's house for 'beraya' in the first 4 years. These last 2 years, I realized how fun it could be. Last year, I went not only to Myra's house but also to her Opah house, here in Bt.Berangkai. Myra has a huge age difference between her and her cousins. So she don't have anyone to spazz with. All she did was pick her phone up, type a text and send to me.
"Unnie, wake up! Come to my opah house as fast as you can. I'm dying in boredom T.T"

She greeted me with a warm smile and hug. I can't tell how much I missed her in the past 2 months. She's a bit plump but other than that, she looked the same. When I entered her Opah house, Myra's mom greeted me. I wished her 'Selamat Hari Raya, mak' and quite taken aback for she who adressed me 'Nanthu'. My nickname that only my friends used to call me. I had my breakfast, 'lemang' there and we started to talk about her life in UiTM and mine in SMKSK and not forgetting our sweethearts, DBSK. After a while, she want to me to take her for a ride in scooter. She enjoyed the ride as she hugged me and said 'I miss you, unnie'
On the 5th Raya, my friend Syuhada and I went to Myra's house in Tapah. In the morning. I 'beraya' in Syu's house and the biscuits were delicious despite it was brought ones. We took bus to Tapah and walked to Myra's house. Myra's old schoolmate were there also. Her mom was the best cook other than my mom and siblings. The food was simple and delicious. Myra and I spent 2 hours watching DBSK DVDs. Before I took the bus back to Kampar, she hugged me once again and wished me luck for my final exams.
I realized a smile and hug is the begining and ending of a real friendship.