Thanks to Sir Sham who helped me to deal with my problems yesterday. His words made me realized a few things and learn new ways to deal with my problems. One of them is do the things that can make me happy besides my friends.
These 5 boys are seems to be the only remedy for my depression. With the lawsuit problems faced by the 3 members, I can only keep my fingers crossed for them. ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH, the fans mantra.
To do list : Listen to all their songs, watch their videos and MVs and update myself with their news.
This is yet another thing that can make me happy. Pouring my own feelings in words is the best way for me to lessen my depression. Love, friendship and death are my favourite genre when in comes to fanfictions.
To do list : Continue my 'Amour Fou' which I find so good (It's the first time I felt like that towards my story). And should read the updates for 'Dark Orchid Bleeding' by Sacche unnie in LiveJournal.
I like to draw anime characters but only the simple ones. Should brush up my talent in this holidays.
To do list : Find more scenes in my Detective Conan comics to draw.
With so many things to do, this holidays gonna be as good as I wished for. Before signiing off, I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslim teachers and friends.
P/S: I'm carving for some biscuits and really hoping some of my friends can bring me some after school holidays ;p
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