After the lunch, somehow we lost our way to the monorail station despite the fact that we have Jo, the KL girl with us. So we just took two cabs to Stadium Negara. I was in the same cab as Jo and Jas. When we arrived at the stadium, Jas shouted ‘Junsu! Junsu’ and I went hysterical right away at the thought maybe she spotted Junsu outside the stadium. I bugged her ‘Where? Where?” and she answered “In the poster lah,” while pointing at a YooSu banner. Then she told everyone that I’m already high even before the show starts. Next, our goal was to find the GMS (Geng Mata Sepet) to get our ‘Saranghae Project’ goody bag and my ticket from Farah. But we spotted ‘Rock Records’ booth and they were selling The Beginning album and I just bought it without a second thought. It was a great dismal that the photobook were sold out because I really want to get my hands on it. After purchasing the album, our search for GMS continues. Apparently the girls were really busy till we don’t have proper greetings.
Aina - This girl loves Junsu and she’s just as cute and adorable like Junsu himself. And pretty as well. Somehow Aina’s ticket lost somewhere and that caused a mini commotion till she bought another ticket from FatDeal.
Lea - She was busy looking for the lost ticket and being a staff for Saranghae Project. But her smile was warm when she greeted me. Lea, I can’t forget your smile LAH ;-p
Leanne - This is the girl that I bugged continuously for a few days before the showcase. She and I cursed SME and spazzed like crazy over Lee SeonJun (Yoochun’s character in SKK). She was tensed up but what funny is when she asked me “Are you Nanthini?” and I said “Yes! Leanne, I’m standing beside for the past 10 minutes,” LOL.
Yuulina - She was busy giving the goody bags and I only heard her said “Farah, Nanth 3 bags,” when Farah gave me the goody bags. And I managed to take a photo of her with Aina later.
Farah - I owe this girl a lot. Without her, I won’t make it this far. So thanks for the umpteenth time,Farah. I feel like I wanna pinch her cheeks and say “You are so cute LAH, Farah,” but I don’t get a chance. Next time when we meet up, I will sure do that.
Ice - There’s this girl who is wearing a white framed spectacles and sitting beside Swezing unnie. I know she must be someone close to GMS girls but I can’t recognize her. Then when she introduced herself, I shouted ‘Ice!Ice!’
Nia and Ayu - These Yoochun lovers flew all the way from Indonesia to see the boys and again, I can’t recognize them because I had never seen their pictures before. Apparently Nia was selling a photobook and I didn’t hear when she said that since I was busy sorting my things. When Jac paid for the photobook, I went hysterical again. “Nia! I want one too! Sell me that one *points at Nia’s photobook*” and of course she don’t want to! LOL. Just my bad luck. And Ayu greeted me and I don’t why I called her ‘Hikarinome’ despite I already knew that it is Ayu. Sweat.
When we were busy recognizing Tohosomniacs, we heard the boys practicing inside and we can hear their voices outside the stadium. Fans went crazy (and that includes me)! I was like “I’m hearing their actual voices for the first time ever,” Around 1pm, we walked to the Entrance C and saw a huge crowd waiting for the doors to be opened. Jac,Jas,Swezin,Reyna and I were together as we all are in Free Standing Zone while Jo’s is numbered seat. We were at the very end of the line and the heat got us. We were sweating like crazy and were tired even before we go inside the stadium. And what kept us alive were the voices of the boys singing ‘Empty’ again and again inside the stadium. There were these two girls and one of them looked so doll-ish which made us thought she is Japanese. She was holding a signage with Junsu’s picture and “Junsu nim” wrote on both sides. She and her friend came to us and asked whether this the entrance B. Apparently, she is not Japanese but a Thai. If I’m not mistaken, she went to the showcases in Thailand and Singapore before coming to Malaysia. And when she told us that she actually touched Junsu in the airport, we screamed our lungs out. I felt dizzy instantly. Then she dropped another bomb. She even touched Jaejoong and he smiled at her. Again, our screams fill the air and everyone around us looked at us. Someone from OneCassiopeia forum came to us and gave a tiny pouch with 2 sweets and a paper to write our message. She asked us to throw that thing during the last performance. So I wrote in Korean ‘Jaejoong Saranghaeyo! Junsu Saranghaeyo! Yoochun Saranghaeyo! Changmin Saranghaeyo! Yunho Saranghaeyo! DongBangShinKi Youngwonhi! Xiahzart! Lee SeonJun! Dr.! JaeJoon!” and drew a coconut tree for Junsu. Sealed with my kiss, I placed it in my bag.
After bathing in our own sweat under the hot sun, suddenly it starts to pour down. The first thing I did was protect my JYJ poster and ticket. We ran to the entrance and it was shelter enough but poor fans that got wet by the rain because no shelter. It was just like in a sardine can. People were pushing from every side and I have to make sure that I don’t get separated from my friends. Somehow only Swezin unnie and Jac were with me as Reyna and Jas ‘lost’ in the crowd. There were a few times when some of the fans chanted ‘Stop checking!’ because it takes a long time. Honestly, I joined them in the chanting. What impressed me were a few Cassies who really cared for others. They warned about the metal bars and I saw one of them holding back the metal bar away from the fans so none of us get hurt. She was holding it back so hard that it pressed deeply on which I believe a fanboy’s arm. I told her “You are pressing his arm,” and she relaxed a bit and give me a warm smile. After pushing and shouting ‘argh’, we finally made it. We practically shoved the tickets into their hands and made our way to the Free Standing zone. Red Ocean is visible as pearl red lightsticks were lit up. Again, we were at the back of the crowd. I took a few photos of the red oceans and the stage. The show was about to begin when we spotted someone looks alike Jaejoong at the backstage. I think our brains weren’t functioning well because we thought it IS Jaejoong. Of course, we start screaming! The moment the lifts were raised and the boys stood in flesh before my eyes, I’m sure I let out tones of OMG’s. The first song they performed was Empty and I wasn’t in the right state of mental from the moment I heard Yoochun start off the song with ‘Girl,I swear…” in his husky and deep voice. I was jumping and screaming at the same time. Then I noticed that there weren’t much fans near the metal bars. So I ran there and leaned over and tada! I can see all three of them performing flawlessly from a side view. I dragged Jac and she joined the madness. I really loved the ‘Let it go’ dance move and it is more special when Jaejoong was dancing that movement at the side of the stage that is close to us. I don’t really remember all the dance steps for all songs because I was busy screaming and jumping. Second song was Be My Girl which is more a ballad song. I was completely indulged in their voices. I heard from other Cassies that went to their live shows before that DBSK’s live performance is the best and their voices sounded just like in the CDs. Third song was Be The One, a song that has the right beats to make you move your body without realizing it. After that performance, it was time for greeting. As usual Junsu and Jaejoong introduced themselves in Korean which was translated by a Korean translator. As for Yoochun, he spoke in English and his accent is ARGH! No words to describe it. The host for the showcase told them that Malaysians love to add suffix -Lah at the end of a sentence and asked them to give it a try. Jaejoong said “I love you LAH,Malaysia” and as expected we went high, screaming our lungs out. Then the host asked the boys “Do you think Malaysia girls are hot?” and since it’s a Yes/No question, Junsu right away answered ‘Yes’. I think Jaejoong said ‘Yes’ but maybe the host had asked him to add more (my memory is messed up, so I kinda forgot what she asked) so Jaejoong said “I know! Malaysian girls are so beautiful,” That adorkable guy knew what to say in order to make us go gaga over him.
After that little chat, the boys went back to business. The next song was Chajatta (Found You), Yoochun’s Korean drama Sungkyunwan Scandal’s OST. This was supposed to be a fan + JYJ song. But I guess we were immersed in the excitement till we missed the chants. Then, it was Ayyy Girl which incites the atmosphere. Seriously, when they sang the ‘Ayyy~ayyy girl’ part, it reminds me the ‘Are~are~are~you good girl?’ in DBSK’s Are You Good Girl song. After this performance, it was time for the boys to bid goodbye to the fans. And again, Jaejoong never fail to make me smile at his words. The host asked when they are gonna come to Malaysia again and Yoochun asked Jaejoong. Jaejoong said maybe next SUMMER. And the host told the fans, “Jaejoong forgot that Malaysia is all year summer,” Yoochun told us that they will be on worldwide concert tour which will be in June or July next year. All three of them thanked the fans and stated their hopes to meet us soon. And Yoochun ended with a loud scream of “Always Keep The Faith,” Nothing beats DongBang boys.
The last song which is an encore but a remix version Empty and this time I decided to stop jumping. Instead I recorded the entire performance which they tried to interact with the fans such as Jaejoong sing ‘Let it go,” and aimed the mic to the fans. Too bad I can’t sing because I was busy fancam-ing. With a burst of confetti, the less than an hour showcase ended. We got to see the boys walking to the backstage since we were glued near the metal bars. Jac asked me what to do with the pouch and we decided to pass it somehow to the boys. We saw the translator was sitting a few meters from us so I waved my crazily and she saw us! She walked to us and I told her --> “This pouch thingy is part of OneCassiopeia Forum and we were supposed to throw it but we didn’t. So can you pass it to the boys?” and to our great surprise, she took them! We thanked her for a few times. Can you imagine that among hundreds of the pouch that were given to the fans, only Jac’s and mine were actually passed area beyond the metal bar. LOL.When Jas wanted to hand her fan letter to personnel, they rejected it by saying they can’t pass anything to the boys. The showcase is over and only the buzz from the fans can be heard. That’s when I came up with screaming “Jaejoong” at the direction of the backstage. And we did~
We left the stadium and this time Jac and I got separated from Swezin, Jas and Reyna. In front the main entrance, someone was selling DBSK’s towels and bandanas. I bought 2 DBSK Miroticon towels and gave one of it to Jac. We bought 100 Plus to quench our thirst. Since it’s already 4pm, I thought it’s better to take a cab to the KL Sentral. We were walking to the other side of the road when Jo called and asked our whereabout. I told her it’s getting late for my train and bid her goodbye. There were another 2 Cassies who came to us and asked where we are going. We told them that we are going to KL Sentral and they are going to Sg.Wang. They asked whether they can share a cab with us and we said yes. So all the way to Sg.Wang, we interviewed each other. Those girls are from Penang and introduced them as Margaret and ChingChing. Margaret is a Junsu lover and ChingChing is a Jaejoong lover. Both of them got down at the Sg.Wang and Jac and I started to spazz over the performances.
Arrived at KL Sentral around 4.50 and decided to fresh up before sorting various things in our bags. We settled down in Burger King and sort all our things. More reddies start to flood BK. They were looking at us since we were wearing DBSK t-shirts and I was busy snapping photos of The Beginning Photobook. Around 6pm, I hugged Jac and bid her goodbye which I hope is not the last one since she will fly to Sabah on 10th December and her chances to come back to Peninsular Malaysia is very low. All we hoping for is another meet up for JYJ ‘SUMMER’ concert next year.
In the train, three girls who seating in front me also went to the showcase. I saw them holding the photobook and one of the girl’s message tone is Junsu’s voice singing ‘Saranghamnida’~ Obviously, she is a Junsu lover. There was another Cassie in the train which I knew when her ringtone is “Chajatta”. So I’m not the only Cassie in both trains I took. I reached Kampar at 8:24pm which means my wonderful journey came to an end.
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