Thursday, November 18, 2010


From now on, ignore the previous non-DBSK posts because this will be solely a DBSK blog.

The purpose of this blog is to house my fanfics and my personal opinions on DongBang news. Leave a comment especially after you read my fanfics. I really need support from my readers in order to write more fanfics.

I had posted several fanfics of mine in several sites. Winglin, AsianFanfics and even in LiveJournal. The only problem is that it always struck me that my language sucks in some of the fics and eventually stop working on it. Remember, English is only my second language. I’m trying my best to improve it. In all those sites I had mentioned above, I used ‘anthra_JJ’ as my author name. So the next time you come across that name, you know it’s my work.

I will post one or two of my earliest works which I will edit for sure before posting it here. And after I’m done with it, I will post my new stories. So look for it ^__^

Any questions, tweet it to me.

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